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Curves & Epicycloids
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Orthographic Projections
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Vertical, Horizontal, Oblique & Auxillary Planes
Prism, Pyramid, Cone & Cylinder
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Set Square & Mini Drafter
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Mechanical Question Answers
Electrical Question Answers
140) The card board scale are available in set of .....
a) 7
b) 8
c) 6
d) 9
141) The convenient length size of 30 -60°-90° set square for used in school and colleges are......
a) 250
b) 200
c) 300
d) none of these
142) Drawing board is shape of ........
a) square
b) rectangular
c) triangular
d) none of these
143) The ‘T’ square , set square ,scale protractor are complain use in.......
a) protractor
b) mini drafter
c) set square
d) none of these
144)Set square , T square edges are bevelled for the purpose of....
a) curve line
b) inking lines
b) taking measurements
d) none of these
145) The size of title block as recommended by B.I.S . is .....
a) 185*65
b) 150*50
c) 170*65
d) none of these
153) The least count of a vernier calliper is ........
a) 0.001
b) 0.02
c) 0.001
d) 0.0002
154) Which scale is used to read a very small unit with great accuracy?
a) plain scale
b) diagonal scale
c) scale of chord
d) vernier scale
155) The R.F. is greater than one (1) the scale is .......
a) plain scale
b) diagonal scale
c) enlarging scale
d) reducing scale
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