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Curves & Epicycloids
Cams & Spring
Orthographic Projections
First Angle & Third Angle Projections
Vertical, Horizontal, Oblique & Auxillary Planes
Prism, Pyramid, Cone & Cylinder
Development of Surfaces
Intersection of Surfaces
Isometric Projection
Sectional view & Auxiliary View
Development of Surfaces
Isometric View of Sphere
Hexagonal Plane & Polyhedron
Pyramid & Cone
Third Angle Projection Plane
T Square & French Curve
Set Square & Mini Drafter
Hexagonal Plane & Polyhedron
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Mechanical Question Answers
Electrical Question Answers
106) The large object such as building the point is usually taken height of .....
a) 0.8mm
b) 1.2mm
c) 1.8mm
d) 1.5mm
107) Central plane is the imaginary vertical plane which passes through....
a) P. P
b) H.L
c) G.P
d) C.P
108) When object is parallel to P.P the perspective is called......
a) one point
b) two point
c) three point
d) none of these
109) The line drawn through the station point from the picture plane shall be ....
a) P.A
b) H.L
c) G.L
d) C
110) The distance of the station point from the picture plane shall be .....
a) Max. Diameter of the object
b) Twice the max. Diameter of the object
c) Half the max. Diameter of the object
d) none of these
111) In isometric view of hexagonal plane all the sides of hexagon is .....
a) equal length
b) unequal length
c) none of these
112) When all the faces are equal & regular the polyhedron is said....
a) regular
b) prisms
c) irregular
d) pyramid
113) Oblique prisms &pyramid have ......
a) axis perpendicular to the base
b) axis inclined to the base
c) faces inclined to the H.P
d) none of these
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