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Curves & Epicycloids
Cams & Spring
Orthographic Projections
First Angle & Third Angle Projections
Vertical, Horizontal, Oblique & Auxillary Planes
Prism, Pyramid, Cone & Cylinder
Development of Surfaces
Intersection of Surfaces
Isometric Projection
Sectional view & Auxiliary View
Development of Surfaces
Isometric View of Sphere
Hexagonal Plane & Polyhedron
Pyramid & Cone
Third Angle Projection Plane
T Square & French Curve
Set Square & Mini Drafter
Prism, Pyramid, Cone & Cylinder
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Mechanical Question Answers
Electrical Question Answers
49) The planes have only two dimensions, viz........
a) Length & breadth
b) Length & height
c) Length & thickness
d) All of these
50) The imaginary line of prism joining the centrs of the bases called.........
a) Faces
b) Axis
c) Apex
d) Base
51) A right & regular prism has it’s axis....... to the bases
a) Parallel
b) Perpendicular
c) Inclined
d) None of these
52) When a pyramid or a cone is cut by a plane parallel to it’s base thus removing the top portion, the remaining portion is called it’s.........
a) Sphere
b) Cone
c) Cylinder
d) Frustum
53) Oblique cylinder & cones have their axes........ to their base
a) Inclined
b) Parallel
c) Perpendicular
d) All of these
54) Projection of two equal sphere s resting on the ground & in contact with each other, with the line joining there centre parallel to the..........
a) A VP
b) VP
c) HP
d) All of these
55) Projections of section on the other plane to which it is inclined is called.......
a) Section planes
b) Apparent section
c) True shape of sphere
d) None of these
56) When the section plane is parallel to the HP or the ground, the true shape of the section will be seen in.........
a) Front view
b) Side view
c) Top view
d) All of these
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